
Showing posts from October, 2020
Helmets and Hash Browns for breakfast Not planned, but we crossed the continental divide 6 times on this trip. Four of those crossing were first for both of us. Boot Heel in Animas Right behind Boot Heel I've ridden past the tiny village of Portal several times always saying I'll stop next time. This was next time. Sherm wanted to check out the Gadsen Hotel in Douglass. We both made the right decision. Meet Portal.......this is all it is until .......... They bring in live music Dead snakes I give you all a better than 50/50 chance of guessing what this car is. 1928 phone number is only 4 digits Ha ve you guessed it yet? Just past Portal is Cave Creek Canyon It's referred to as Arizona's Yosemite A few old historic buildings still in the canyon Along with beautiful rock formations Cutest girl I saw all day! Canopied roads make me feel good In person, they were almost luminescent I think this guy liked Minions I must too........ show them all to you! Okay, but